Read on for a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a far from typical week at The Green Tree Gallery!
On Monday morning we met Sophie and her friend Tamsin at the Gallery bright and early so we could hang the exhibition's 89 photos whilst the Gallery was closed to the public.

Wearing white cotton gloves to protect the photos, we worked our way through Sophie's detailed layout plan, feeling like historians handling ancient artifacts!
By the end of the day we had all the photos up and the exhibition wall was complete, save for the title decals that were arriving on Tuesday, although Jill and Sam still had the rest of the Gallery to rehang!

Tuesday morning revealed an unexpected setback - cold overnight temperatures meant the photos were starting to peel off the wall! With the clock ticking and the rest of the Gallery still to rehang, the cavalry arrived in the form of Jill's sister, Tiff!
Four 'woman' hours later, all the photos had been re-stuck securely and Jill and Sam could get on with Tuesday's planned job of curating and re-hanging the remaining walls and displays.

Finally, late on Tuesday evening, the title decals were up and we were ready for Wednesday...
The Gallery was closed to the public so that BBC South East Today could film an exclusive preview of the exhibition and interview the exhibition's stars, Charlotte and Jacob and their mums, Catriona and Elaine as well as photographer Sophie.
It was fascinating seeing BBC South East Today reporter Amanda Akass and cameraman Nick in action...

...interviewing the mums...


...and Madeleine Green from the hospice

We couldn't resist a photo with Amanda

And despite the day's Brexit machinations, Amanda's heart-felt report on #For The Now featured in both Wednesday's evening and late news bulletins.
By Saturday, we were ready for the main event - a party for the public launch of #For The Now!

As well as the usual drinks...

...and canapes...

We had a very special guest to open the exhibition....

Everyone queued up for a Snowman hug...

Not just the children...

Jayne Todd from Chestnut Tree House...

Sophie... fact, most of us!

Then with the Gallery packed with customers, friends and family

...we introduced Jayne and Sophie, who each said a few words

...before trooping outside with all the children to cut the ribbon and officially open the exhibition

Then we did it all over again when the photographer from the Mid-Sussex Times arrived...

There were many people who helped us, both at the launch party and in the run-up to it.
We owe huge thanks to Tiff and Amelie, Julie, Susie, Sally, Mike, Emma and Katie and particular thanks to Tamsin (seen here with Sophie) for taking these fab photos of the event.

#For The Now is the final event in our year of supporting Sussex's only children's hospice.
The exhibition runs until we close for Christmas on Friday 21st December - open Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30 - 4.00 as well as Sundays 12.00 - 4.00.