Pippa at the Green Tree's recent 'Circus' exhibition
Ahoy gallery zealots one and all!
My name is Pippa and I am artist in residence here at the Green Tree. I am embarking on a new voyage to buff up the blog till he gleams like a glamorous emerald! The little gallery is slowly transforming into a co-operative, which aside from more meetings over glittering cupcakes and giggles, means we will be sharing the running of the show between us - swathing the curtains, gleaming the spotlights, and tweaking the strings!
The gallery gals include the two original owners, Jules, a painter of lush abstract landscapes, and Julie, a theatrical ceramic sculptor, and five more sparkling lasses ~ Victoria, a clay animal creator extraordinaire, Misha, who captures a treasure troveful of colours in her paintings and jewels, Jill and Mary, both stitch wonder~women, and me, Pippa, an illustrator inspired by faerytale magic and history.

The circus superstars! (from left ~ Julie, Pippa, Victoria, and Annelise from Rocking Horse charity)
July was a month of joy.... Julie's star~spangled acrobats, Victoria's gentle~eyed giants and a blue and white wallful brightly bedecked with my rhyme~encased characters... Julie, Victoria, and I created an exhibition twirling like a spinning~top from the theme 'Circus' in support of Rocking Horse, a fantastic Brighton-based charity helping children in hospitals. The exhibition was a roaring success, sponsored by local businesses including Cuckfield Candy Store, Pepperbox Furniture & Accessories, Reeves Pantry & Traditional Tea Rooms, and Sussex Crafts (warmest well~wishes and striped tentfuls of thank you's to you all!)
Julie's theatre background has imbued her work with all the wonder of the stage. Her Harlequin~patterned characters swanned, pranced and bounded through the month, some atop unicorns and horses, others caressing tenderly backstage...

Julie's beautious acrobatsVictoria's circus soiree of wise~eyed animals had an awe~inspiring glow of the exotic. As part of her repertoire, she created a name-the-elephant competition to raise more pennies (the elephant in question being a gigantic painted ceramic collage~puzzle of pachyderm portions!).

Victoria with her joyeux giraffes!I exhibited ink and pencil and mixed media images from print runs of 50, all working towards a potential book in the cogs! I wrote short poems inspired by the spectacle of the subject, but juxtaposed with the danger intrinsic to many of the acts. I plan to continue selling them in the gallery.

A row of Pippa pictures!
Now we are preparing for 'Coast', a celebration of the spectacular Sussex coastline. Keep your peepers peeled for turquoise treats, luscious lighthouses, divine deckchairs and much more! Exhibition opens this Saturday.